Language Consultant.
I am a freelance language consultant, translator and writer. In 2012 I received my B.A. in English and in 2015 I graduated from the Language Consultancy Program at the University of Gothenburg.
My interest in language, text and literature is huge and I firmly believe that you’ve got to love to read and write if you’re going to do a good job as a language consultant. For me, there is no better way to spend a day off than with my nose in a book or with a pen in my hand, and I consider myself lucky that I also get to work with language.
Being used to writing, I know that every text is unique and that each writer cares a lot about their own style of writing. Therefore, I never charge in and try to control a text or a writer. Instead, I show the way with a gentle hand and together we find the best solution to your specific linguistic dilemma.